If you are attempting to login via the 'my account' option on our website you are actually logging into the Pocket Informant Store which is in no way connected to accessing your Informant Sync account.
The Pocket Informant Store will only show you a history of a purchase you have made directly from our website. You will not be able to view any purchases made through Apple or Google. You will not be able to see your informant sync expiration date or any of your data through the Pocket Informant Store login.
You can view your informant sync expiration date within the informant app on any device you have set it up with at informant settings>accounts>informant sync. Login and complete a sync to see the most accurate expiration date.
If you want to view your Informant Sync data online via Informant for Web beta, you can access that site here - https://app.pocketinformant.com/
If you want to view your Informant Sync data online via Informant for Web beta, you can access that site here - https://app.pocketinformant.com/